how to donate money

Keep watching and shouting. People often worry that charity should be given to some deserving, but with the arrival of Ramadan, outside the streets, and in mosques, other poor people who do not get riches in the streets are entitled.

It is difficult to find the right people to whom donations should be given, or how to donate money in any way. How to donate money? The fact is that we want to remove a charity from the head like a burden. So, at least the minimum distance should be assumed. This is enough.

If you really want your charity to work, you deserve something. Find them. Take them to yourself and take a look at the shamefulness of the shirt and catch the shirt bag. Who is due? Those who do not ask but cut their stomachs. Again, the question is, how to donate money?

Whose children see sensitive dishes with salmon? Those who become uncomfortable with the fragrance that comes from the home, but swallow the salts open the night of the year. Those who ask in the mosque ask, “What is the matter, when they say artificial illustrations, thank God, eaten so much, is going to be anxiety. The question again comes that how to donate money.

”First of all, you know the truth, the relatives who are poor but you do not make them, helping them will be a double reward. The first right belongs to the relatives.

Call the cream or ober bike. When bonding, ride the can candle and give it a bag of rations or cash. The servant who puts his bike on the bike for a hundred rupees instead of going home after the first job will definitely take care of you. Contact private schools in your area.

Beggers outside mosques and public places

The girls who study here, have nine bad things in their house. She works for four-five thousand jobs all day in compulsion. Send rations or cash to these white houses. Come to the shopkeepers in small streets, after the era. It would help if you definitely found some people who will lend you money.

Give them a charge. If you wish, ask the shopkeeper and call him a long-paying person. Breeders, waiters, and cleaners on small ovens earn so much that their homes can be avoided, they also need your charity. Most of them will not be able to accept charity.

Grab their stumble, and give it as a “gift”.The mausoleum will be estimated by old clothes. Other than shoes. Greeting back, give charms of charity gifts. They will definitely take something for the children, which they need. Give the people to the idols, the people selling the trades on the ladders or hands in the markets.

But people who do not really want to get pencils in hand. Just give them five minutes to be filled. But for those who do not ask, it is better to give them. These things have come to mind, and you can recognize others in the same way as those who need help, but they do not accept any help except for their hard work.

Give them inspiration. Just look down, and shout. They just want to get help from the Almighty Allah. They wouldn’t even show their poverty to other friends and relatives.

According to my own experience, people who needed help from other guys wouldn’t show their misery, and they used to dress up their children well and couldn’t let them face inferiority complexes.

Everyone is trying to empower themselves with the help of the so-called modernism approach.

I taught in a society called “Namal Society for Social Impacts (NSSI)” for three years. About 50 students from very humble backgrounds come here. I was frank with all the students. They used to share their academic as well as personal issues (the teenagers have them) and other family issues).

Activity-based Learning with students of class 2

I have always tried to help them out financially, but as a result, they started going away from me. I think this was their inferiority complex to not get help from a person who is not too likely to their background. So I talked to my Abu Jan(He is teaching in Government Sector for the last 22 years), He advised me to organize some test sessions and I did the same.

I started giving them prizes on daily basis and as a result, students started trusting me and they were accepting my gifts.

Prize distribution on Annual Function


What I gained from this practice is the trust of the students, and as a result, my students were more confident and they felt proud to have won the prizes, as they thought this was a blessing for them to win the prizes from their closest teacher.

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