Upwork Proposal Writing

In this article, I will be sharing amazing Upwork proposal tips, including the structure of your proposal, what to write about, and how to make your proposal stand out from the rest.

Upwork proposal tips for Beginners
Fig 1- Upwork proposal Tips for beginners

This article will help you understand the importance of a good proposal and how to make one that gets noticed.

When writing an Upwork proposal, it’s important to keep a few key things in mind in order to make a strong case for yourself and increase your chances of being hired. Here are some tips to help you write a winning proposal:

1. Determine Your Budget while writing Upwork Proposal

When you are writing your business proposal, you will need to consider your budget. This will help you to make sure that you don’t end up spending too much.

You should avoid over-bidding on your project because you might lose out on future projects. It’s important that you set realistic expectations. Make sure that you are honest when you are writing your business proposal.

If you can, make sure that you provide your clients with a discount. A discount will make you seem like a bargain. If you are unable to provide a discount, make sure that you explain why.

If you want to get ahead in your career, you will need to learn the art of negotiation. Negotiation can be tricky. There will be times when you are asking for something and they are willing to give you something in return.

2. Set Realistic Expectations in Upwork Proposal

It is important, to be honest, and open about what you can and can’t do. When you set realistic expectations, you will be able to deliver a better service. Your clients can tell if you are being honest with them or not.

If they think that you are setting unrealistic expectations, they will be disappointed in you. It will reflect badly on you, especially if you end up delivering less than expected. Your honesty will also show your client that you are trustworthy.

If you tell your client that you can’t do something, and you fail to deliver what you promised, your client will feel betrayed. This can lead to him/her thinking that you are not worth his/her time. This will definitely hurt your business.

It’s important to keep your promises. You should be prepared and ready to deliver as promised.

3. Know what you’re going to say in the Upwork proposal:

If you are writing a business proposal, it is important to make sure that you are clear and concise. This is essential to making sure that your proposal is well organized.

Your business proposal needs to be well-structured. This means that you should write a detailed outline before you begin to write the actual proposal. It is important to be thorough when you are writing your proposal.

If you make any mistakes, you could lose money or your company could fail. You will have to spend more time correcting your proposal. Therefore, it is best to write it in the first place so that you can make any necessary changes to it later.

When you are writing the proposal, you should also consider what the purpose of your proposal is. The main purpose of your proposal will be to convince someone to buy your product or service.

4. Write a Killer Headline for Upwork Proposal

Your headline is the very first thing that your reader will see when they open your proposal. Your headline is one of the most important things that you can write.

It is also important to think about what type of information you want to put into your headline. You should avoid using very common terms like “free” or “cheap” when you are writing your headlines.

These kinds of words are used too often. Be sure to use a word that describes exactly what you are offering. For example, if you offer website services, you should use the word “website”. This gives your reader a clear idea of what you are offering.

Also, if you are writing a proposal, make sure that you are providing the right amount of information. For example, don’t just tell the reader that you are the best company to work with.

5. Get The Right Information About The Project

Before you write your proposal, you should make sure you have gathered all the necessary information and facts. It is very important to gather all the necessary information and details before you begin writing your proposal.

This will help you to create a detailed, organized proposal. You will also know what you are expected to provide. It will make it easier for you to present your proposal in a clear, concise manner.

You should start your proposal by giving your reader a summary of the problem or the issue you will be solving. This should include the title of the project, a short description of the project, the goal of the project, and any information about the problem you will be solving.

The next step is to describe your credentials and your experience with the project. You should also mention the project budget.

6. Write an Attention Grabbing Cover Letter

A cover letter is an excellent way to make a good first impression. You should make sure that the cover letter you send out with your resume is as impressive as possible.

This way, you’ll increase your chances of getting the job you are seeking. When you’re writing the cover letter, don’t forget to explain your credentials, your skills, and your experience. Include a cover letter when you apply for a position at an agency or a company.

Use your cover letter to introduce yourself to potential employers. Tell them what kind of skills you have, and how you can contribute to the business. In the cover letter, you must highlight your skills and experience.

Make sure that your cover letter is easy to read and understand. This is an effective way to present your qualifications. You must show that you know what you are doing.

7. Prepare the body of the Upwork proposal:

The main body of your proposal should provide more detail about your approach to the project, your qualifications, and any relevant examples of your work.

This section should also contain the information that you want to present. The best way to write this section is to use bullet points.

Bullet points are short paragraphs that are separated by semicolons. They are very effective for highlighting ideas.

A sample of a bullet point format is below:

Approach: How you will approach the problem.

Qualifications: What makes you qualified to address the problem?

Relevant experience: Examples of your work that relate to the problem.

Results: How you expect to solve the problem.

8. Be brief and to the point:

When you are writing a proposal, you want to make sure that you include everything that you think is important.

A proposal is a document that tells your potential client what you want to do for them and why you are the right person to do it. To make a strong proposal, you must make sure that you include all of the necessary details.

If you do, the chances are good that the person who is reading your proposal will feel that you have done your best to provide all of the information that is needed.

Your proposal should include your background and experience, your contact information, your fee schedule, and your estimate of how long it will take you to finish the project.

You should also have information about your preferences, any training or qualifications you have, and any other important points.

9. Keep Upwork Proposal professional:

Your proposal is one of the most important documents in your business. A proposal has to be well-written and free of errors and misspellings.

It needs to be presented in the best possible light. A proposal that’s riddled with typos, grammatical errors, and poor punctuation is a nightmare. Before you start writing your proposal, make sure you read and reread it several times to avoid making any careless mistakes.

If you’re using a word processing program, make sure you are comfortable with it. It’s also a good idea to take a grammar class if you don’t know what the right words to use are. If you make a mistake, you can correct it in the document.

You should be ready to defend your proposal and answer any objections that come your way.

10. Show the value of your services:

In order to win clients over, you need to make sure that you know exactly why you want the job. If you don’t know why you want the job, then you won’t know how to do it well.

Fig 2- Value YouR Services
Fig 2- Value YouR Services

You should understand what you are going to do and why you will be successful. To do this, you should ask questions and listen carefully to what you hear.

Be careful to keep what you are saying simple, to the point, and straight to the point. If you want to be successful in your career, you need to know how to talk to people.

Try to remember that a good conversation requires effort. A lot of people think that they can simply ask a question and people will answer it.

11. Include a call to action in your Upwork Proposal:

If you are selling your services, make sure that you give your clients a call to action. Make sure that you mention what you can do for them.

Tell them how you can help them and what their options are. You should make sure that you invite them to call you so that you can discuss the issue in further detail.

Let them know that you will answer all their questions and that you are willing to help them. Give them the best solution for their problem. Show them how you can help them solve their problems.

You should also ask them to contact you when they are ready. If they are happy with your service, they will surely contact you when they are ready to purchase.

12. Show your value and why you’re the best:

Being the best means showing your value and why you are the best candidate for the job. Show your value to the company by being reliable and helpful.

You should be able to show what you have done in the past. Make sure that your resume shows all your skills.

You should include all your relevant skills and experience in your resume. Your skills will be important when you are looking for employment.

When you are applying for a job, you should write a cover letter. It should be tailored to the position that you are applying for.

You should include information that shows that you understand the employer’s needs. The best way to apply for a job is to write a cover letter.

13. Be Concise in Upwork Proposal

When writing your proposal, make sure to keep it short and sweet. A long proposal could make people lose interest in reading it.

You can also save a lot of time by including only the information that is absolutely necessary. You don’t have to include every detail. Don’t overthink it! Write the shortest proposal possible. Make sure it’s not too wordy.

You might find that you have trouble keeping your proposal brief. Don’t worry about that. You should write it in a way that makes sense to you.

Once you’ve completed your proposal, show it to someone who works for the company to which you are submitting your proposal. This can be helpful.

14. Use Bullit Points in Your Upwork proposal

A proposal is a document that you send to your customers and suppliers in order to persuade them to buy your product. Many businesses rely on proposals as a part of their marketing strategy.

Your proposal should have the ability to persuade potential clients. In order to persuade your customers, you should have a good presentation. The following are some tips for a successful proposal.

Make sure that your proposal is well organized. Use sub-headings in your proposal to organize the content. You will be able to read it quickly if you are organized. Write in simple sentences. Avoid using complex vocabulary.

Keep in mind that your customers can only focus on one point at a time. Keep the reading material short and simple.

15. Include a thank you in your Upwork Proposal:

If you are looking for a new customer, you must make sure to say thank you for doing business with you. This can help you build a long-term relationship with your client.

Thanking someone can make him feel special. Saying thank you can improve your relationships with people you meet. Show your appreciation by saying thanks after you ask a question.

Your thank yous will help to make the person feel important. This can increase your chances of winning the next proposal. You should thank your clients. They have chosen you for the job.

Make sure that they know that you appreciate them by thanking them for doing business with you. Do this by using a note card to express your gratitude to them.

Sample Upwork proposals with Upwork Proposal Tips

Fig 3- Upwork Proposals Samples
Fig 3- Upwork Proposals Samples

If you are new to Upwork and are looking to learn how to win projects through effective proposals, then this post is for you.

A good proposal is crucial for success on Upwork, as it allows you to showcase your skills and experience to potential clients. In order to create a winning proposal, it is important to carefully read through the project description and ensure that you understand the client’s needs.

You should also highlight your relevant experience and demonstrate how you can help the client achieve their goals. Additionally, it is a good idea to include specific details about your approach to the project and any relevant samples of your work.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of winning projects on Upwork and establishing a successful freelancing career.

Sample Upwork Proposal for a Digital Marketer

Hello [Client’s Name],

I am a digital marketer with over 1 year of experience in the industry. I am skilled in social media marketing, email marketing, and content creation. My goal is to help your business grow by increasing its online presence and generating leads through targeted marketing campaigns.

I have included a link to my online portfolio showcasing some of my past work:

[Insert Portfolio Link].

This will give you a better idea of my capabilities and style.

I am confident that my skills and experience make me the ideal candidate for your project. I am excited to learn more about your business and how I can help you achieve your marketing goals.

I’m available for a discovery call to discuss your project further. Just send me a message and we can schedule a convenient time for us to chat.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample Upwork Proposal for a Graphics Designer

Hello [Client’s Name],

As a seasoned graphics designer with over 1 year of experience, I know what it takes to create visually stunning designs that get results. My skills in [Mention Required Skills here] , combined with my creative flair, make me the perfect choice for your project.

Take a look at my portfolio for a taste of my past work:

[Insert Portfolio Link].

I’m confident you’ll see that I have the skills and experience needed to bring your project to life.

I’m excited to learn more about your business and how I can help you achieve your design goals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further.

Are you interested in having a quick discovery call? Just send me a message and we can schedule a time that works for both of us.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample Upwork Proposal for a Web Developer

Hello [Client’s Name],

I am a web developer with over 1 year of experience in the industry. I have a strong foundation in [Mention Frameworks and Tech-stacks] and am skilled in creating responsive and user-friendly websites.

I am confident that my skills and experience make me the ideal candidate for your project. I am excited to learn more about your business and how I can help you achieve your web development goals.

To give you a better idea of my capabilities, I have included a link to my online portfolio showcasing some of my past work:

[Insert Portfolio Link]

[Include GitHub Link]

Available for a quick discovery call? Just drop me a message here.


[Your Name]


In conclusion, crafting an effective Upwork proposal is an essential skill for new freelancers to master.

By following the tips outlined in this blog and using the sample proposals as inspiration, you can increase your chances of winning projects on Upwork and kickstart your freelancing career.

Remember to carefully read through the project description, highlight your relevant experience, demonstrate how you can help the client achieve their goals, and include specific details about your approach to the project.

With a little practice and the right approach, you can create winning proposals that attract clients and help you succeed on Upwork.


I have taken help from the following Websites /Blogs / Articles while writing Upwork proposal tips for freelancers

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this useful and amazing content.

    it’s really helping me in my new Freelance journey with Upwork.

    I have a question if you don’t mind

    What should i do if a client wants your services but hesitate to talk to you?

    I mean, i got a client from Upwork and really want to talk to him about his project but he don’t reply to me. He give….but after 4 to 6 days. So, What i should do in this situation?

    1. Thank you for the kind words and for sharing your feedback! I am glad to hear that the content is helping you in your freelance journey with Upwork.

      Regarding your question, it is not uncommon for clients to be hesitant to engage in conversation or to take a while to respond to messages. There are a few things you can do in this situation:

      Be patient and persistent. Continue to reach out to the client in a friendly and professional manner, and remind them of your interest in their project.

      Follow up on previous messages. If the client has responded to your messages but is slow to reply, you can follow up on your previous conversation and ask if they have any new updates or questions.

      Respect their time frame: Some clients may have a lot on their plate and they take time to reply. Make sure to respect the client’s timeline and be patient, but also remind them that you are interested and ready to discuss their project.

      Offer a call or video meeting, this can help establish a personal connection and it could be easier for the client to talk to you.

      By taking these steps, you can show the client that you are responsive, interested, and professional, and hopefully, they will be more likely to engage in conversation with you.

      Remember that effective communication is important when building a professional relationship with clients. If you keep having issues with the client, it might be best to move on and look for new opportunities that align with your skills and goals.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this useful and amazing content.

    it’s really helping me in my new Freelance journey with Upwork.

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